European Planetary Science Congress 2018
16–21 September 2018
TU Berlin | Berlin | Germany


EPSC 2018 Bursaries for Early Career researchers and researchers for 'less represented' states

Europlanet-2020-RI is supporting members of the Europlanet community attending EPSC2018 in Berlin from 16 to 21 September. There are two bursary schemes.

Scheme 1: Support for Early Career Researchers (ECRs)

ECRs presenting a talk or poster at the conference may apply for a Europlanet bursary of €450. An ECR is defined as a PhD Student or recent PhD graduate. In exceptional cases a Diploma student presenting original project work may be eligible. It is unlikely that more than one bursary will be awarded to the same research team. We plan to award up to 50 such bursaries.

Scheme 2: Support for researchers in less represented states

Europlanet is keen to develop research communities in those regions where planetary science research is developing (Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Moldavia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine). Researchers based in these nation states may apply for a bursary of €750 to attend the meeting and present their work. It is unlikely that more than one bursary will be awarded to the same research team. We plan to award up to 30 such bursaries.

Please note you should submit your application only once you know your abstracts has been accepted. Notification of abstract acceptance will be by the end of May.

The bursary application deadline is 30 June. All bursary acceptances will be notified the first week of July giving time to register before the Early bird registration deadline of 31 July. A downloadable template for application for a bursary is below please send to

Application form